Promote your brand with bespoke calendars

Whether as a gift for staff or clients, or just to keep in-house, calendars are always of great use to anyone. More than just a present, however, calendars can provide a subtle yet clever way to show off your brand, where your name will be remembered every day of the year.

If you decide to give calendars as gifts at this time of year, make your choices carefully. The calendar you choose reflects hugely on you as a business, and this will be reinforced every day, over the next 12 months.

Focus on quality

When giving calendars as gifts, it’s vital to always aim for high quality. If you send out flimsy, poorly printed calendars, it reflects negatively on your brand. High-quality calendar printing, with sharp, clear images and a professional-looking design will give the impression you’re a business of equally high calibre.

Attention to detail

You’ll want to stand out as a business, so make sure your calendar gifts stand out, too. Focus on a calendar printing company that pays attention to detail, to ensure your calendars create the wow factor. Choose a company that offers high-quality digital printing, such as with a 6 colour HP Indigo press. Consider if they can provide features such as foil block or embossing, which create a decorative and eye-catching finish. Options such as the use of white ink and heavy specialist substrate can also be used to great effect when creating superior quality calendars for your clients.

Personalise your calendar

Consider personalising your calendar so that it features your business name and branding, preferably on every page. Or, at least make some subtle references to your brand, so that it relates to you as a business. You don’t need to go over the top when it comes to brand naming, as this might come across as too promotional – as long as recipients get to the end of the year and can still remember who sent it! As well as personalising the calendar with your branding, you might even wish to personalise the calendar so it relates to the recipient.

It’s not too late to capitalise on the benefits to your business of sending calendars to staff or clients. At Ashwyk, we’re specialists in bespoke calendar printing and finishing of superior quality. We use a 6 colour HP Indigo press for outstanding results every time. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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